As we enter the autumn season, it’s important to recognize that September is Fall Prevention Awareness Month. This national observance is designed to raise awareness about the risk of falls, which is an important health issue for people of all ages. Why is fall prevention important? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the…
Most people know what a walker is. They know that a walker can greatly help seniors and others with mobility issues with walking. Walkers have four legs that all stay in contact with the ground, even if the front two legs are wheels. Because at least two of the legs grip the ground when they’re in contact with it, walkers…
The bathroom can be an intimidating place for older adults and people with health conditions or disabilities. Slick and hard surfaces, combined with limited range of motion can create ideal conditions for accidents or mishaps. At Sun Medical, we are dedicated to helping everyone live independently by improving the safety of their bathrooms. We can make it easier to avoid…
The Holiday season is hectic enough if you are healthy and able, but what if you just had surgery? Or have a family member that needs additional care? Or if your energy levels are low due to too many work and family gatherings? Well, there is a company called AmeriCare Medical that can solve all your Home Care needs during…